Friday, April 21, 2006

even better than the real thing

Am I allowed to brag about certain things in my "unofficial" area of expertise???

I made the BEST cheesecake to date in my repetoire of desserts & cheesecake making. Following is a visual display, though of course tasting it would be the most adequate method of "judging".

Typically I have stuck to the traditional New York Cheesecake......always topping with a plethora of berries to conceal the cracks beneath - tsk, tsk. This one, still had some minor crackage issues - gotta have some thorn in the "flesh" eh? (keep me humble).......but seriously smooth texture, melt in your mouth & stick to your hips! Amazing!

Bailey's Irish Cream tastebuds still water.......

1 comment:

rainy dayz can be happy.. said...

can you email me a slice.......ha ha.... i have no doubts of your culinary geniousity(is that a word, who cares0, my mouth still waters from that yummy lemon merrrangue pie you made me...Mmmmm ( norrain dreams of yum stuff) Gods Blessings on your culinerary geniousity and let all who tase be enriched not just on their thighs but in their hearts too.....nxxxxxxxxxx