Monday, February 27, 2006

Here's a "taste"

You know how you have things, dreams in your heart, yet to be discovered? Well I, as I'm sure you, have such things which @ times I almost want to burst for want of accomplishing (some of) them....

Basically I wanted to share one of my dreams - as it were - to speak it out. Of course I want it to be more than words but this is the place I have in part, designated for this dream to be fostered.

So the dream, in it's simplicity is - go to Sweden! That is the place of part of my heritage & I have always wanted to go.

Recently I e-mailed family members to see if anyone else felt such a "stirring" - as it occured to me how cool it would be to plan a family trip to Sweden.

It was amazing & cool to get responses back from certain ones that have thought about it before & would be (are) interested. I was and am super encouraged by that. Funny as it's not like anything has been set it stone......but still I'm excited.

The dream is on the table - so to speak - so whomever wishes to partake are free to indulge.

Yesterday I was feeding the excitement of that dream - online, gazing @ pics of Sweden - & then Norway. I so love beautiful, scenic places & can't wait to go.....

The feeling I get when I think about it all happening is likened to - if you think of a pickle & you get that sort of tingling sensation in your mouth even before you have you can taste it in a way.....

It's gonna be good................

Friday, February 24, 2006

a 35 year old story

Once upon a time there was a crazy, zany guy who came upon a faraway land. "What are the chances?", he said to himself as he pondered whether such a place could be "home".
In no time he set to work - performing death defying stunts, which he was well known for, wowing this new land with his acts.

The "Dutch guy" - as they called him - seemed to fit nicely into the niche he had carved out for himself among the people of this land.

From time to time however, for a spell he would jet off to the homeland...

& all would wonder & talk amongst themselves as to when he might return. It was never a question of "if" - just WHEN?!

As expected, when he did reappear - his social contingent rejoiced....

& today his "social contingent" celebrates the dawning of another year for the Dutch Guy.

~ Happy 35th Birthday ~

& this is definitely not..........The End!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Gotta Add This To My Resume

You just never know what is gonna happen. I know it's a pretty broad let me be specific. Saturday I turned model for a day!!! I say it with such emphasis you would think I won some big contest or something of the sort....

Well the story goes that one of my best friends was getting married down in Michigan recently, so I had this dress made for it. When I picked it up from the seamstress - she mentioned that there was a bridal show on Feb 11th and asked if I could model my dress for it.

hmmmmmmmm - me? Let's see - how many episodes of America's Next Top Model will I have to watch before I can even think to pull off being a model?! Nevertheless - I said Yes - much to my own surprise.

It's not like the event was such a huge one with much exposure - that's not really the point.

It's just that I would never have imagined ever doing such a thing - that I would ever AGREE to it :) Yet there I was, smile plastered on my face as I walked the small town "catwalk" :)

As I started out - you just never know what is gonna happen in life. You think you have it figured out, be it your situation or yourself - but then there's always some sort of curve balls thrown your way & you're like "what do I do w/this?"

I know, I turn a simple situation into this profound experience :) but c'est moi.....the "model"!