Sunday, November 27, 2005


So I've been back home for a total of 10 days now. I'm not really sure how one judges if they're settling in well to a new place, making the necessary changes/adjustments with relative ease. That said, there are definitely things that capture my attention in the adapting phase.....every now and again something will happen to further make me aware of my departure from Toronto.

Take for I was at Tim Horton's. That wasn't the different part cause you know I visited many a Tim's out east :) It was seeing some antlers sticking out of a truck parked in the parking lot. Some proud fellow come back from a recent hunt with their prize carcass strewn in the back of the vehicle. I wished I had a camera so I could pictorially display this site. Not to gross out the visual among us but to contrast the differences in culture between the city & small town BC. I think the only carcass laying in anyone's vehicle in Toronto is the 1/2 eaten remains of a Big Mac - or is there even meat in that?!


Lindsay said...

Hey Laurie
How's it going? I hope that settling in at home is not too difficult! Just wanted to say hi!

rainy dayz can be happy.. said...

Hey Laurie.
They have a 'Tim Horton's' in Dublin, how cool is that!!! Wondered how life is for you in BC, I hope it's good.
You impacted my life heaps and i know you will rock the face off those whom you are in contact with in BC. Love norrainxx